Community Voices
This is a collection of diverse media that tells stories about life in Attawapiskat
Featured Photo Essay by Aniston PaulMartin
Dreamcatcher Chair

I forgot when but it was obviously in the summer. I didn’t realize my father was doing, I would ask where he is when I notice he is missing sometimes. I didn’t bother too much though since I was busy with babysitting kids or out hanging with my cousins. By the time we flew out to visit our grandfather in Attawapiskat. He continued with his project. Maybe I was busy again but when he finished, I was shocked to find the chair sitting in front of my grandfather’s front door. The chair was really comfy to sit on and it seems that my grandfather loved it as well because I would find him sitting outside on it from time to time. To this day, I would still ask my father if he really made the chair because the chair was just so nice. I also just like to think I would get the creativity from both parents since they like to make things like these. Even for events such as Christmas, Halloween, Etc. Our house would be decorated every year. Now I’m away to go to school over here in Attawapiskat, living in my grandfather’s house and both parents are in Kashechewan. This chair would make me feel less homesick away from parents but I’m still happy to be with my grandfather over here and spending any minute with him.
Tiny Fish

Whenever I go fishing with my cousin and her boyfriend. I simply just go because these two are very fun to fish around with. One evening, we decided to just check the nets. We had a few good fish on some nets and we let go of any fish that are just too small. Time passes and we had one net left to check and it’s going to take some time to get there because the water was getting low. We had to check for any rocks or ground nearby so we can avoid hitting our boat. We check with long sticks to make sure of it. Thankfully, the river where the last net was in had deep water so we didn’t have to worry about it too much. The net was bigger than the others we’ve checked so we took our time taking fish out of it. My cousin grabbed a fish and somewhat squeezed it. We didn’t expect it but the fish spat out a tinier fish into her hands. She was laughing after she realized what was in her hands and asked me to take a photo of it quickly so she can put in the water since it was still alive somehow. Whenever this photo is brought up to our conversations. We like to laugh and say “Oh, I remember that”
Colourful Dance

This was the time where I didn’t want to go online and copy another art into my painting. It just didn’t felt right to me so I decided to get creative with my ideas and create something. I wanted to find a style. Wanted to create my own design. Copying other techniques won’t do (how my cousin makes his eagles style). I went down with the fancy shawl idea and go with it. Creating designs before picking and creating the line art. My teacher gave me a canvas to start. Picking my favourite colours (Green, Yellow, and Blue), added white dots and finally inking the design down to my canvas. Done. I’m not going to lie but Shannon’s dream also did inspire the fancy shawl idea.